About Us

Our mission is simple; Improve the lives of Iranian children by supporting basic needs and empowering them to break the cycle of desperate poverty.

Working with our long-time charity partners in Iran we aim to rescue the children of Iran from a life of poverty and neglect. They’re given one time or ongoing financial, emotional and medical support for daily life needs, and are provided a safe place to live.

Most importantly, they’re given love and security. When they’re safe and thriving, we provide education and life tools – daring them to aspire to something better.

Our purpose is to advance education and relieve poverty in Iran as a developing world country by acquiring school materials, books, equipment, and supplies of all kinds and donating them to schools; teaching computer skills to students and teachers; building and operating schools, and providing teachers, technicians, and other staff to schools as needed. We also address basic needs by providing food, shelter, clothing, medical care, and education to children and young people.

Our efforts create real results. By investing in sustainable programs rather than band-aid solutions, we help the children transform themselves – from victims of poverty to self-sufficient members of society.

Help us in our effort to provide children in Iran access to food, water, medical care, education and other essential needs

With hundreds of children supported by our kind sponsors you can also join us in our mission to empower children in Iran to break the desperate cycle of poverty and become self-sufficient.

With just $40/month you can bring these children a lasting smile and the hope they need to advance forward.

Not ready to make an ongoing monthly commitment? You can still help by making a one-time donation.  No amount of donation is too small.

Some of our recent achievements with the help of our generous donors like yourself are:

* Provided jackets and heaters to families at the earthquake in Khoy (Mar 2023)

* Distributed 3000 kg  of flour to villagers in Sistan , enough to feed 5000 families (May 2023)

* Distributed essentials baskets including 2000 kg of rice, clothes and shoes to villages in Zabol (May 2023)

With your generous help we can show the children in need love and give them hope to ease the burden of extreme poverty and help them become self-sufficient to build a prosperous life for themselves and their future families

Baran Charity is not affiliated with any other organizations or charities that may have similar names. We are an independent entity operating solely in the country of Canada

Visit our sign up page to become a monthly sponsor of a child.